Silverlight 5 Beta: A guide to the new features
Silverlight 5 Beta: Let's deal with it's features
Debugging Data Bindings in XAML with Silverlight 5 Beta
Using Custom Markup Extensions in Silverlight 5
List of newly supported developer countries for Marketplace
At last!
A Quick Wrap-Up of Today’s Windows Phone Announcements at MIX
cool devtools bro!
Mango adds Beta and Private Marketplaces to Windows Phone 7 and neglects Enterprise
w00t for the Beta Marketplace!
Mix11: Windows Phone 7 news
Microsoft TouchStudio for Windows Phone 7
EF 4.1 Released
EF Video Series
Code First/Entity Framework 4.1 Videos and Articles on MSDN
Building WP7 Custom Validation Control - Validation Logic
Make your own Angry Birds for WP7
5 hours ago