Monday, September 18, 2023

Daily Links 18 Sep 2023

Google Chromecast in .NET MAUI

Three ways to implement an accordion control in MAUI

A new way of listening to the app lifecycle events in Flutter

Unlocking the power of Time-Travel in Azure Synapse Link for Azure Cosmos DB

Blazor in .NET 8: Server-side and Streaming Rendering

MAUI nuget for memory analysers

Easily Build ChatGPT-like App in .NET MAUI using OpenAI APIs

Plugin.MAUI.Audio now has audio recording

BlazorEssentials: MvvM for Blazor

[Video] Flutter clean architecture

Adding Application Insights to .NET MAUI Application

Prepare your Mac to be a Xamarin/.NET MAUI build host without VS4MAC

Using Private NuGet Feeds with .NET MAUI and Azure Pipelines

[Video] Scale from a single node to multiple nodes with Azure Cosmos DB for PostgreSQL


Decorator Pattern In ASP.NET Core


How to Build Interceptor with built-in Microsoft DI - IServiceProvider

[Video] Coding Short: Using Bearer Tokens in .NET 8 Identity

iOS Debugging on Windows – VS Code Extension

Building a Resilient Email Sending Method in .NET with SmtpClient, Retry Support, and the Outbox Pattern

[Video] Discovering Multi Triggers - .NET MAUI 101

[Video] Asp.Net Core Web API CRUD Operations Using EF Core and SQL Server

WebSockets vs WebRTC [1]  [2] 

The Ultimate Patient Appointment Manager App in .NET MAUI

[Video] Scheduling Background Tasks In .NET With Quartz

Free Tier services for Dev

Token Enrichment with Azure B2C

Feature Flags in .NET and How I Use Them for A/B Testing

Tuesday, August 15, 2023

Daily Links - 15 Aug 2023

Speech Recognition in .NET MAUI with CommunityToolkit

Generative AI for Developers: Exploring New Tools and APIs in Azure OpenAI Service

Develop MAUI apps in VS Code with extension DotNet.Meteor

Video: Azure Cosmos DB for PostgreSQL quickstart series

Transform a WPF App to Cross-Platform with .NET MAUI

Obscure Sensitive Screens in Your App with .NET MAUI

Awesome Scroll Effects in Xamarin.Forms

Faster Sqlite in MAUI using object mappers

Dependency Injection in your .NET MAUI app

Remove Entry and Picker borders in .NET MAUI

Flutter Bottom Navigation Bar with Stateful Nested Routes using GoRouter

Seamless Integration Testing With WireMock.NET

Saving Files with .NET MAUI Community Toolkit

Change cursor and text selection with .NET MAUI on iOS

Parsing websites in C# with Html Agility Pack or AngleSharp

Compare Declarative Frameworks

Welcome to the New Era of App Development: Introducing Avalonia v11

Edit your Visual Studio project and build files with MSBuild Editor extension

Azure Devops for .NET MAUI

.NET MAUI Barcode Scanner using Iron Barcode

MAUI Bindable Property Source Generator

Adding custom action button to .NET MAUI Shell TabBar

How to use the Android emulator on a macOS host for debugging in a virtual machine with Windows

Integrating Unity Into MAUI

Publish the .NET MAUI Windows app to Microsoft Store - A Step-by-Step Guide

[Video] .NET Core Identity with 2 lines of code

.Net MAUI + Azure Pipelines + iOS TestFlight!

Architecting mobile apps with Kotlin Multiplatform

Skia Shaders

Tuesday, January 10, 2023

Daily Links 10 Jan 2023

 Azure Cosmos DB for PostgreSQL documentation

Simplify NuGet Package Versions in your application with Central Package Management

Taking (Partial) Screenshots of your .NET MAUI App

Automatic mobile app releases with Runway

Introducing Azure Communication Services UI Library to Xamarin

Figma Material Design 3 Case Study

Introducing Azure Cosmos DB for PostgreSQL | Azure Friday

Azure Cosmos DB for PostgreSQL | How it Works

Using App Center Distribution with .NET MAUI

Local Push Notifications with .NET MAUI, Easy With This Plugin!

Introducing Vision Studio, a UI-based demo interface for Computer Vision

Announcing new stable release of Azure Form Recognizer libraries

MAUI Music Playlist Animations

Cloudflare made it much easier to become an indie hacker

So You Want to Migrate a Xamarin.Forms App to .NET MAUI


Memphis Real Time Data Processing Platform

How to create and deploy an Azure Functions project

How to deploy .NET APIs on Azure using GitHub actions

Minimal API validation with ASP.NET 7.0 Endpoint Filters

Time to Live (TTL) in Azure Cosmos DB

MAUI — Native Mobile Location Updates

Highly available multi-region web application

Calling OpenAI GPT-3 From Microsoft Blazor

Maximize Your Company’s Productivity and Potential with the Power of Real-Time Collaboration & Communication

ACS: Get started with Cross Platform development using the UI library

doc link 

ACS Binding Libraries

Localization Resource manager for MAUI