Monday, September 18, 2023

Daily Links 18 Sep 2023

Google Chromecast in .NET MAUI

Three ways to implement an accordion control in MAUI

A new way of listening to the app lifecycle events in Flutter

Unlocking the power of Time-Travel in Azure Synapse Link for Azure Cosmos DB

Blazor in .NET 8: Server-side and Streaming Rendering

MAUI nuget for memory analysers

Easily Build ChatGPT-like App in .NET MAUI using OpenAI APIs

Plugin.MAUI.Audio now has audio recording

BlazorEssentials: MvvM for Blazor

[Video] Flutter clean architecture

Adding Application Insights to .NET MAUI Application

Prepare your Mac to be a Xamarin/.NET MAUI build host without VS4MAC

Using Private NuGet Feeds with .NET MAUI and Azure Pipelines

[Video] Scale from a single node to multiple nodes with Azure Cosmos DB for PostgreSQL


Decorator Pattern In ASP.NET Core


How to Build Interceptor with built-in Microsoft DI - IServiceProvider

[Video] Coding Short: Using Bearer Tokens in .NET 8 Identity

iOS Debugging on Windows – VS Code Extension

Building a Resilient Email Sending Method in .NET with SmtpClient, Retry Support, and the Outbox Pattern

[Video] Discovering Multi Triggers - .NET MAUI 101

[Video] Asp.Net Core Web API CRUD Operations Using EF Core and SQL Server

WebSockets vs WebRTC [1]  [2] 

The Ultimate Patient Appointment Manager App in .NET MAUI

[Video] Scheduling Background Tasks In .NET With Quartz

Free Tier services for Dev

Token Enrichment with Azure B2C

Feature Flags in .NET and How I Use Them for A/B Testing