Thursday, March 27, 2008

Daily Links 27/03/2008

Windows Vista SP1 download

.NET 3.5 Redist package
197MB. Includes .NET 2.0 SP1 and .NET 3.0 SP1

Developing a Robust Data Driven UI Using WPF - Introduction

Exploring Secrets of .NET Diagnostics

I'm busy doing research into building a test frawework for our software, and was initially impressed with VS Unit Testing capabilties, and later let down by the implentation and bugs. NUnit is a lot less painful.
Then I found NUnitForVs
With this you can get VS to recognise NUnit tests as MSTest tests. It did however take a bit of fidgeting to get it working.

Integrate XML code comments into Visual Studio 2005/2008 using Sandcastle and HTML Help 2.0

Software Startup Lessons (Part 3) - Marketing, Sales & Growth

Developing a Robust Data Driven UI Using WPF - The DataModel

Event declaration without checking for null
removes the necessity to check for null when firing an event

Generic abstract factory base class (C# 3.0, LINQ)

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Daily Links 12/03/2008

How to get Paypal button to work with ASP.NET

Remote Desktop to your PC from your Windows Mobile phone

Some articles on getting remote desktop setup:
link 1
link 2
(check out the other articles listed under "people also read...")

Silverlight 2 has a Timer

Silverlight Tip of the day from Jesse Liberty: Routed Events

Wanting to get started with C#? Find some helpful tutorials here

20 Websites That Made Me A Better Web Developer
some good resources for web design

patterns and practices Complete Catalog
A collection of links of everything from architecture guidelines to application blocks

Software startup Lessons (Part 1)
Lessons learnt from starting your own software company.

I've recently been delving into designing N-Tier Exception Management, and came across this handy article from M$

Great free Silverlight chart control

Friday, March 7, 2008

Daily Links 07/03/2008

Three levels of extension methods

Old Extension Methods post from ScottGu
I particularly liked the ".In()" extension method for objects

wake up mobile device
I've been struggling to find code that will "wake up" my mobile device (ie: turn on the screen). This is the closest thing to working code I've found so far.

Some upcoming silverlight tutorials from Jesse Liberty

Microsoft, Nokia to port Silverlight to Symbian phones
Now your phone doesn't have to be a Window's Mobile device to develop for it!

All the Silverlight 2 Beta 1 download links you'll need

MSDN Forums
It seems quite active on getting solutions to your .NET development problems.

Determine if the type of object derives from (is a subclass of) a specific base type:
if (objInstance.GetType().IsSubclassOf(typeof(BaseClassType))) {}
as apposed to
if (objInstance.GetType() == typeof(DerivedClassType))
- DerivedClassType must be exact type (false if a base type class)

Singleton Factory in C# all you have to do to make the class a singleton, is declare the contructor private, and use the factory to access an instance of it. Neat.

MIX 08 Sessions available on-line
Some handy Silverlight, ASP.NET MVC and WCF posts. Check it out. now.

Backup and Restore data from your Windows Mobile Device for free - PIM Backup Application
Was looking for something to backup my device before I upgrade from WM5 to 6. This seems to do what I needed (Backup contacts) and more.