Friday, January 9, 2009

Daily Links 09/01/2009

Eight Evil Things Microsoft Never Showed You in the ClickOnce Demos (and What You Can Do About Some of Them)

It seems Silverlight xap compression isn't what it should be. Here's a work-around

GroupBox for Silverlight 2

Published the Source code for Silverlight 2 Runtime & SDK Controls

Was trying to serialize my object model using the XmlSerializer, one object of which contained a Dictionary type property. To my dismay, it seems that the Dictionary class (anything the implements IDictionary according to the error) is not xml serializable.
Post to the rescue I'll wait and see what it does across a WCF service :)

Karvonite - Agile Persistence Framework (CTP Jan 2009 Release)

Improvements to the usual stand up meetings

5 frameworks every software architect should consider

Expenses You Don’t Think of When Starting a Business

Bad ISV Marketing Ideas from the Department of Stupid

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