I’ve started submitting apps to the windows phone marketplace, and put together a little checklist to go through when submitting.
Here it is in case some other developers out there find it useful: (Orange Italics are just comments on the checklist items)
- Test product to make sure that everything is functional Obviously the app has to work before you submit
- test with previously serialized data-store Your users are going to have existing data that need to work with the new version of your app – make sure there aren’t any nasty serialization exceptions. Here’s a post on how to quickly backup and restore isolated storage data
- run through VS Test kit - including automated memory tests
- execute unit and integration tests assuming you’ve taken the time to write them
- Build App in release mode
- Make sure that the version number has been incremented appropriately
- Make a backup of data-store to IsoStorage folder Each App has an isolated storage folder where I store a copy of the current build’s data store to test against for the next release
- Copy .xap to Submission Folder Each App has a Submission folder that contains all submission specific material
- Adjust necessary marketing material and copy to release folder Add new feature descriptions ; updated icons etc.
- includes screenshots of new functionality ; new version description (spellcheck)
- Commit changes to Source Control with tag: "Submit version [Version#] to marketplace”
- Submit release to marketplace - freeze on all development for product
- Certification failure - fix and start @ 1)
- Certification Pass: Tag and branch source control with Product and Version Number
- Update App web page with new product information You do have an app web page right? Find a template here
- Market new release:
- Update You Tube Demo video if UI changed significantly (or add feature videos)
- Tweet new product details
- Notify WP websites / social network publishers
- Notify relevant community forums
- Start Developing next Awesome Features
Any developers out there have extra items – please leave suggestions in the comments….
Happy Coding