I've been posting the daily links series just on a year now, so I thought it a good time to summarize some of the best links in a "Best of" series. Because I'm busy working on a Silverlight RIA application, I thought it an obvious first candidate.
Silverlight Home Page
Here you'll find just about all you need to know about developing with Silverlight, including videos and tutorials, as well as blogs and forums.
Silverlight Show
Stay up to date with the latest silverlight news.
Silverlight, Blend and WPF Tutorials
50 new silverlight screencasts
Silverlight Testing
Continuous Integration and Testing silverlight applications with WatiN
Wrap microsoft's silverlight test framework using the silverlight nunit framework and WatiN to enable CI
Mocking and IOC in Silverlight 2, Castle Project and Moq ports
temp solution for those of us doing TDD for silverlight BETA. Hopefully a permanent solution will follow shortly.
UI Automation of a Silverlight Custom Control
Silverlight NUnit Projects
I was half way through doing the same thing when I came across this post. saved me some work :)
TestDriven .NET now has support for Silverlight 2.0 Beta 1
Only ad-hoc tests supported thus far though
Unit Testing with Silverlight - the FULL article
Silverlight Controls
Silverlight 2 messagebox example
Free WPF and Sivlerlight components
DevExpress has released Beta 1 of it's FREE Silverlight DataGrid
More free Silverlight Charting
Free Silverlight Controls from VectorLight
Silverlight Services Communication
Pushing data to a silverlight client with sockets
as apposed to using WCF duplex services which is basically a wrapper for a polling mechanism.
Pushing Data to a Silverlight Client with a WCF Duplex Service
Silverlight 2 Beta 2 basic ClientAccessPolicy.xml file
CRUD operations in Silverlight using ADO.NET Data Services
Silverlight Graphics
In-State Animation with Silverlight
One of the best things about silverlight is how it makes control animation so easy, even non-designers can use it :)
Build custom skins for your silverlight UI
Theme Controls in Silverlight
Silverlight Misc
Silverlight Desktop
"A framework that allows you to dynamically load Silverlight modules into resizable draggable windows."
ViewModel Pattern in Silverlight using Behaviors
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